Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rest, Eat, and Rest Again.

 Mr.Nut as Pure Awareness 

 To really rest, meaning the kind of rest you experience in deep sleep… Mr.Nut tells us that it is not necessary to actually be asleep.  You can "rest" with your eyes open. All that is required is to remove one's attention from the thoughts, feelings, phenomena, or 'stuff' of life; and instead, focus on the space that includes everything. This space is not mere nothingness… it is a vibrant and alive space!  It is squirrelove!  And in fact, you are not separate from this! You ARE squirrelove!  Ask any squirrel and s/he'll tell you the same thing!

Sri Nut's recommended practice can be summed up in one statement:  "Rest, eat, and then rest again!"
Eating in this case is used figuratively and means to participate in what arises, if you choose, but be aware of it and then come back to the state of rest again.  Then it becomes easy to see that you are not really doing anything, but rather you are "being done"!

Mr.Nut as the Self

Mr.Nut uses every minute to teach this esoteric squirrel wisdom.  Even when it looks like he is asleep, he is actually working on many dimensions simultaneously to communicate this truth to all those with open minds and open hearts! He is dedicated to the awakening of humankind.

Squirrelove is the "peace that passes all understanding."
Sri Nut invites you to join him in this peace and
 enjoy your 'Self'! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Beingness is Squirrelove

As Mr.Nut was resting peacefully on top of his cat tree,
he telepathically communicated to me that there is absolutely no difference between him, me, you, Buddha, Mooji, Trungpa Rinpoche, Ramana Maharshi, or anyone else!! We are all the same essential Beingness.  And all we have to do is rest in that Beingness to know it's true. That's why Mr.Nut is so wise…  he is always resting in his "I AM".

Mr.Nut in deep contemplation

Mr.Nut also said that humans spend much time comparing themselves with each other. And this habit keeps them from awakening to who they really are: the pure space of squirrelove.  He says that all squirrels know who they are and so they are fearless. They don't try to protect themselves as is evidenced from the way they cross the street… without a care in the world! They just know they are completely taken care of!

Muffin resting in the "I AM"

Mr.Nut went on to explain that the entire universe is comprised of units of happy juice (a.k.a. squirrelove) and that all the little squirrels are the happiest and juiciest beings on the planet!  It's no wonder that when people interact with them, a transformation of consciousness begins!  It doesn't matter whether it is a rescue situation or simply feeding them in a park!  Anyone interacting with these beings become transformed by the potent essence of squirrel bliss!  All over the Cosmos, little squirrels are actively participating in the transformation of consciousness right now!  

May you come to know yourself
as the Beingness of 
Jump into the  
juice of Squirrelbliss 